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  时间:2021-07-17  来源:未知   点击:0
Art coatings originated in Europe, and first appeared in the Royal Palace thousands of years ago. In the late Renaissance of Europe in the 15th century, the innovation and development of art coatings technology bred a variety of product styles, extreme luxury and magnificent decorative art, which led the trend of European art coatings and gradually extended to all parts of the world.
In the 1990s, art coatings entered the Chinese market. After more than 20 years of development, along with the rise of China's reform and opening up, the real estate market is changing with each passing day, the consumption level of residents is advancing by leaps and bounds, and the requirements for the living environment are higher and higher. Art coatings has triggered a strong renovation change in the Chinese market, breaking the dominant situation of traditional coatings and wallpaper, It has been popularized and applied rapidly, which meets people's artistic pursuit of living environment
爱蒂维拉EDDIE VERA艺术涂料,延续欧洲皇室尊享,把高品质的艺术涂料引入中国,环保、时尚、品位、艺术,为美好居住环境而极致表现。
Eddie Vera art paint, continue to enjoy the European royal family, the introduction of high-quality art paint in China, environmental protection, fashion, taste, art, for a better living environment and the ultimate performance.



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