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  • 品牌名称:亨利美家
  • 所属公司:江门市亨利美家装饰工程有限公司
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  • 企业地址:广东省江门市中邦国际建材城14座115-117号
  • 企业电话:400-6377-617
  • 公司网站:http://www.hlmjia.com/
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    British Henry beauty art group wall material Co.,Ltd.,is a focus on R&D and production,health,environmental protection.the high-end art wall material transnational enterprise,has a strong R&D team,the position of art wall material of high-end services,the use of classical and fashion style to more embody the value of design,local decorative breaking the previous wall material,in the form of art to display the overall spatial layout,perfect and unique decorative style.That is the market with its leading industry R&D ,production process of refine on the forefront of fashion,art and design,impeccable quality of excellence,good color collocation,exquisite handmade art,give a person a low-key luxury,high-grade,refined Home Furnishing enjoy high-end,is Britain's Imperial Palace decoration wall material,rapidly by the high-end consumer acceptance.With the integration Chinese with the inernational market,the successful introduction of the domestic market.
    Style determines housing dominant hue,and asked us to master the art of the United States and home of Henry process at the same time,but also a certain degree of mastery of color,pay attention to the overall mix,No matter from the color or material used in a unified whole,local ornament tactics,Decorative style often divided into European style,Americcan style,Chinese style,modern style,modern style,neo classical style,pastoral style,Mediterranean style etc., ELegance and luxury,luxury,the life of the rational and emotional part of the perfect combination,the design,with carved,art wall material,can fully show the rich artistic breath,refine on;elegant and calm bright color combination,give a person a kind of quiet and leisurely feeling.And reveaks a gorgeous sense,lively,elegant noble,Also need to take into account the different times of the aesthetic taste and the actual function of customer demand;retention of classicism in classic style in form,And not too complicated and grand.Under the modern aesthetic effect,pay more attention to the decoration modelling the practicability and tonal harmony.We believe that art wall material combination will create a high-end,the atmosphere for you,the grade of the Home Furnishing environment!



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